Why Pandas?
Pandas are beautiful creatures, they are super cute and lazy. They spend most of the day sleeping or eating bamboos and on top of that, they are very clumsy animals. It's hard to find an animal more adorable. I don't know about you, but I can relate to them, which only makes it even better. Their colors too, I love it.

A panda being lazy
Where Can You See Them?
Pandas are originally from Asia, and mostly around China. It's quite difficult to see one in person because of the way that the Chinese government "manages" the pandas. However, there are some zoos around the world where you can go and check them out.
- Edinburgh Zoo
- Copenhagen Zoo
- Zoo Aquarium Madrid
- Tiergarten Schönbrunn (Vienna)
- Adelaide Zoo (Australia)
- San Diego Zoo (United States)
- Chapultepec Zoo (Mexico)
- Toronto Zoo (Canada)

Look at that cute little baby panda, so adorable
With only around 2060 pandas living in the wild, the giant panda is considered vulnerable of extinction by the IUCN. Unfortunately, besides lowering polution and preserving their habitats, all we can do is help by donating or adopting a panda through the World Wildlife Fund. This helps researchers to study how pandas breed in an effort to increase the population.